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Can't the debtor just go to jail for not paying my judgment?

No, unfortunately it’s not against the law to owe money on a judgment however, when the Debtor purposely refuses to comply with the court order to appear, after enough failed appearances, the judge may issue a bench warrant for their arrest.

Why won't my debtor pay what the court has awarded me?

They either simply don’t have the money to pay or they have the money and feel that it’s not a priority to pay what’s rightfully owed to you.

Why won't my attorney return my phone calls and do his job in collecting against my Judgment?

Unfortunately most Plaintiff/Creditor’s don’t realize this until it’s too late but the reality is since you’ve already paid your attorney for services rendered in winning your case, they’ve done their job and you are now in their review mirror. Their focus and business model is to attain new payment from new clientele to win new cases. Not to collect on old cases, especially when they’re not getting paid to perform more work and due diligence on the debtor(s).

What are my options in order for me to collect my judgment?

With an upfront charge, you may hire an attorney, or a collection agency. You’ll be guaranteed a bill whether they’re able to collect or not. OR you can give us a call and if we’re able to purchase your judgment, we’ll cut you a check.

How much do you guys really charge to recovery my assets?

We don’t charge you anything.  There is absolutely no upfront nor out of pocket expense on your end if we’re purchasing your Judgment from you.

The only upfront charge, separate from purchasing your judgment is if you request us to conduct a bank and brokerage search of your debtor’s financial assets to mitigate risk in determining whether or not you it’s even worth going after. This fee only takes place before selling your Judgment to us and before a Purchasing Agreement is signed by both parties.

Our Purchasing Agreement usually stipulates, a 50%/50% split. Upon any successfully enforcement and recovery of the “purchased” Judgment, we’re able to keep 50% plus our investment expenses so we’re not just breaking even.

Remember though, your judgment has accrued interest, so that 50%/50% split now is more than an original split from when your judgment was originally awarded years ago.

Depending on your judgment and in certain circumstances, we may offer to buy your judgment outright and write you a check leaving you free and clear.

Are you a law firm or a collection agency?

No, we are neither. As a Post-Judgment Litigation / Enforcement Firm, we simply buy judgments on a future pay basis or we will buy out certain judgments up front and write you a check for your judgment.

Couldn't I just use a law firm to assist me?

Yes, absolutely. we always recommend seeking independent legal advice. If they can help you great, however, they’ll expect payment upfront. Our payment comes only after purchasing your judgment and directly from the necessary legal enforcement procedures taken to effectively recover assets from your Judgment Debtor(s).

How are you any different than a collection agency?

Collection agencies will try using scare tactics such as demand letters and repetitive threatening phone calls to intimidate the debtor to pay. After time goes on, these tactics simply don’t work and the debtor’s accounts will usually be charged off.

After we purchase your judgment, we usually don’t even make contact the debtor(s) as this will only tip them off. However, if we do communicate with them first, we may provide a letter of assignment and demand letter instructing the debtor(s) to comply immediately in order to avoid any further legal avenues that we have at our disposal.

Does my judgment have an expiration date?

Yes, it definitely does. Each state’s statute of limitations is different so you’ll want to check your state with where the judgment was originally filed in to find it’s expiration date.

What is an "Assignee of Record"?

As the plaintiff in your case, once the judge has rendered and awarded judgment in your favor, you have now become the creditor. When we purchase your judgment, this means you’re turning over your judgment and assigning it over to us, which in turn makes us the Assignee of Record. After you sign our Acknowledgement of Assignment of Judgment, we will then file this with the court. This gives us the legal authority to then go after the Debtor(s) for their unpaid balance plus any accrued interest that has accumulated over the years.

Can you guarantee recovery of my assets?

Unfortunately, no and we wish we could. There simply is no guarantee because we won’t know what type of debtor(s) we’re dealing with until we start looking for assets to recover against the judgment awarded against them. We may find out that the debtor(s) actually want to pay and clear their credit but they simply don’t have any funds to pay back on the judgment.

How will you interact and communicate with my Debtor in this matter?

Although we are legally aggressive, we always give the benefit of doubt that if the debtor has the assets, they’ll want to pay. If full payment can not be retrieved immediately, we’ll examine payment plan solutions (including accrued interest) with the debtor. Although we’re not a collection agency, we strictly adhere to the (FDCPA) Fair Debt Collection Practices Act when dealing with Debtors.

What if my debtor has filed for Bankruptcy?

Most of the time when debtor(s) file for Bankruptcy, the type of Bankruptcy they file for can quickly reveal their true intentions. Whether it’s their attempts of hiding assets from their creditors, or their moral mindset to purely structure a fair repayment plan over time that helps benefit both their previous and current creditors.


This is why we follow debtors into Bankruptcy Court. To see if they’ve failed to transparently file the judgment as a debt on their bankruptcy debt request forms. If so, and they have more assets than being claimed, there’s a very strong chance we can still go after them for not revealing the judgment as an unpaid debt. The key is following through and monitoring their bankruptcy filing activities and to see if they’ve actually received a discharge in their bankruptcy proceedings or if they failed at any point to qualify and were simply rejected with their bankruptcy being dismissed.

How quickly can you recovery my assets?

We stand behind our name for Rapid Response, LLC. Unfortunately, the other parties we deal with on a daily basis such as the courts, banks, constables, and other parties, they may not move as quickly as we’d like them to.


This can also vary depending on the size and age of the judgment. Also, whether or not the debtor(s) want to play games by hiring unscrupulous attorneys or as well like to call them “legal mercenaries”. A lot of times they like to hinder, stall, and delay their legal payment obligations that were rendered, issued, and awarded in the judgment against them.


Again, a major overcoming obstacle falls back on when these dirty attorneys knowingly and intentionally argue post-judgment caselaw improperly with incoherent false narratives. All, while attempting to convince and manipulate not only the court system, but also impressionable and inexperienced judges who aren’t properly educated and up to date on post-judgment litigation procedures. Unfortunately, we’re fighting this more frequently than anyone ever should when navigating towards a successful judgment recovery.

How involved do I have to be if I assign my judgment to your firm?

This requires no involvement on your behalf. If we agree to purchase your judgment, you’ll simply sign our Purchasing Agreement which legally assigns your judgment over to us. We may have you fill out a Debtor’s Profile Sheet with all the necessary information and previous paperwork that you’ve collect from you case. Pending your case criteria, we’ll go right to work on retrieving your assets. After you’ve assigned your judgment over to us you won’t have to deal with the Debtor or the courts as we will handle the whole process from here in order to recover the debtor(s) assets.

Do you take on every judgment that comes along?

No, not every case. Unfortunately there are some debtors out there that are in fact “Judgment Proof” due to a lack of assets, unemployment, receiving welfare or specific benefits, or they only own property that is exempt from any recovery efforts. But we won’t know until you provide us with the details in judgment.

What if I have multiple judgments?

Absolutely, although we look for specific criteria in each judgment, let’s take a look at your portfolio and see what you’ve got.

How do I know that I'll fairly be paid my agreed share?

Also, upon any successfully recover of funds from the debtor(s), whether from the Registry Of The Court or from a financial institution, all original checks sent to us our scanned, copied and sent to you along with the agreed payment so you can independently verify how much was actually recovered before deductions and disbursement in the agreed amount.

Ok, what do you need from me to get started?

Give us a call and/or email us a copy of your judgment so we can further discuss getting you the financial justice you’ve been missing.


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    Upload your judgment here:

     We would love to hear about your case. Please give us a call at 888.643.0654 or email us here.

    Please Note: Your awarded judgement has accrued interest over time.
    Calculate how much here.

    License No. A28582201

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